
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
As we close our program, our host Andrea Pagnozzi will end the year as powerfully as it began talking about ways to sustain the momentum of growth, development, and moving forward with career change. It may be taking longer than you had hoped, but you might be really close to attaining your career potential, so listen to some tips to keep your journey going strong in 2023. Andrea shares an easy 6-step focus for you that clears your mind, body and soul whenever those resolutions start to lose their luster and you start to falter. Go out with a clear plan for next year and tune in to set those career goals on a great trajectory ahead. Thank you for listening to our program and share it with others looking to thrive next year by making it a habit to listen from episode 1 to 52. Happy New Year!

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
This month has been all about setting our listeners up spiritually, tactically, and emotionally for 2023, but sometimes a solid business plan or healthy mindset is not enough to secure success. Sometimes people need to visually focus on the plan ahead and map it out. As we close in on the end of this year, we introduce the practice of vision boarding as another option to ensure they follow their goals. Our guest, Gail Burns, has used them over the years to manifest career changes, life changes, moving to new places, and so much more. As a career success coach specializing in real estate, Gail helps new realtors manifest an entrepreneurial mindset in starting their business, and vision boards are just one way to do it. Gail will walk our listeners through best practices in creating vision boards, discuss the intentions behind them and walks us through how they have helped her and her clients amass success over the years. Learn how to visually plan for the year ahead in this powerful episode about success, focus and all those positive things.

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Tony Castronovo, Founder & Managing Partner of Novo Multifamily Group, joins 52 Weeks of Empowerment this week to discuss the importance of business planning. Tony is a seasoned multifamily real estate investor with experience in building several successful businesses. His "super power" is attracting capital through his strong value proposition and transparency - which are two great aspects to the business planning process. At this time of year, its time to reflect on what went well, what you can learn from, and plan ahead for 2023. Tony provides listeners with simple wisdom such as continuous connection with one's stakeholders, holding oneself accountable and enjoying the experience of conducting business.
Start next year off right with a powerful business plan, and let us help take away some of the struggle in putting one together. Tony is also a success coach for entrepreneurs and can be found on his website: https://grit-to-growth.com

Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Steve M. Beauchamp is all about balance - as a Certified Ikigai Tribe coach , he applies Japanese wisdom & philosophies to Western professionals as many companies in the US are trying to adopt in their culture. In this informative episode, Steve helps our listeners tap into the practices of the samurai; a very disciplined group who followed the 8 virtues of the Bushido code - Righteousness, Loyalty, Honor, Respect, Honesty, Courage and Consistency. All of these virtues lend themselves in today's professional world toward a more balanced approach to work and life. As we close 2022, this helps us end the year as we began, with a mindset of abundance and a better way to move forward toward 2023.

Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
While there is no guarantee in business that you will succeed, the one sure fire way to ensure you won't, is to give up. Perhaps 2022 isn't ending with the economic health you had planned for - that is okay. The important thing is to plan ahead, get crystal clear on your why, and take steps to safeguard your assets during a volatile time - which by the way, can also be very lucrative. Jill Dulitsky is our guest this week, who has both the financial know-how and the business entrepreneurship experience we need to hear from during unknown times like this - to finish this year strong and empower us to be successful in 2023. It comes from taking simple steps and super clear on your WHY. Listen in to this week's pearls to chart your course for success in 2023.

Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Everyone should be treated with respect in the workplace, and Erin Meadows made that her mission as leader in the corporate setting and now, as a coach, empowers people to build businesses where leaders do the same, and career seekers look for these qualities in a new employer. We welcome her to 52 Weeks to champion the humanity of people and the respect and compassion that leaders can offer that makes for a much stronger culture and work force. For more info on Erin's coaching check out her website at: https://erinmeadowscoaching.com!

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
At this time of year, the feedback of an annual review can seem daunting, especially if the feedback is harsh and ambiguous. Clarity and specificity is incredibly easy to deliver, and it is critical to change and maintenance of empowerment for valued employees. Life coach Amanda McPherson joins the program to shed insight on how feedback, when done right, can be a smooth, successful process.

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
One way to safeguard your top talent is to support their career potential, charting a course for them to thrive in. Sharissa Sebastian works with Fortune 100 companies to help build that mindset and enable leaders to think differently about career pathing that transcends the typical up-and-to-the-right mentality. Instead, Sharissa shares ways of empowering employees through coaching and developing in role or in new ways to re-engage them. Its a winning mindset shift you will want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Leadership engagement could be the difference between someone leaving a job or staying. This episode begs leaders to lean in before people walk out, and make the commitments necessary to engage with people where they are. Natasha Kehimkar of Malida Advisors helps us wrap our heads around trying to meet people at their needs with empathy, compassion and a good dose of healthy conflict to stop people from taking the leap.

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
This month our podcast has dug into how to achieve the next stage of your career boldly. From consultancy, to opening your own business, and today we tackle the subject of what it takes to become a leader. We have boiled it down to 6 essential skills that based on extensive research - all great leaders possess. Some are stronger at certain skills than others, but they execute all of them. If you are thinking about throwing your hat in the ring to attain a leadership role - strengthen these skills and continue to do so as a leader.

Welcome to Your Next Best Career Opportunity
This podcast was created for anyone looking to use this year (2022) to be the very best year in their career. Whether you are in need of advice on job searching, finding your true career potential, update your resume, polish your interviewing skills, or attract the right talent to your organization - we will offer weekly empowerment coaching to help you achieve amazing things. Podcast host, Andrea Pagnozzi, CPC, ELI-MP is a certified career coach who has helped numerous clients realize their true career potential and she can help you too!